Our Farm is 15.3 acres near Bastrop TX, with goats, chickens, cats dogs and other assorted animals. We raise gourds, herbs,flowers and a kitchen garden. We will chronicle our adventures here warts and all. Mostly warts I think.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Kristi beat me home so she already had the animals fed. The cornish chickens were out of water and food. Out of food is normal, out of water is bad. It's getting warmer. Several of our "new" barred rock egg layers are coming online. Not that they have computers (they can only hunt and peck) and a mouse would stand no chance. No, by coming online I mean that they are laying eggs. Tiny little eggs, but eggs never the less. These are chickens that we bought 5 months ago.
Two days ago I witnessed our new rooster doing his job! This is good news as we can start producing our own chicks instead of buying them. Due to predation we loose chickens from time to time. The guineas are fine. We are beginning to be able to distinguish between them by their call. The males have a single syllable song. The females have a two syllable note. Usually it's referred to as sounding like the work "buck-wheat". To me it's just a noise the birds make.

We are having ups and downs with our sick kid. Yesterday it was listless and unhappy. I gave it a pile of fresh oak leaves and that seemed to perk it up a little. Kristi gave it some energy booster and anti-biotic and that helped too.

We went to Tractor supply to take back our pump. We had purchased it to pump water from the creek our property boarders to the gourd field. Well it worked great 3 times and on the fourth time it wouldn't run for more than a couple of minutes. It was still under warranty so we exchanged it for the same one. I'll install it tomorrow. TS had come feed for the first time in a couple of weeks so we bought a few bags. Also got some chicken scratch and game bird feed. The game bird feed for the guineas and turkeys. The cornish crosses also get it because it has a higher percentage of protein. They grow so fast. They are already half way there. I am going to grow them up to a "finished" (know what that means?) weight of about 6lbs. We let them grow to that weight two years ago and it was very nice having the large quantity of meat. This year we have fewer chickens since we lost 50 in the flood. So more meat is better.
Also at TS I bought a new seat for the tractor. The current one is ripped in several places and when it gets rained on the padding is like a sponge. It makes doing tractor work unpleasant driving around with a wet butt. Of course, even though it is made for a Ford tractor the seat's mounting holes don't match up with the tractor's mounting holes. So yep. It's become a project. Should be done tonight.

It had better be done tonight because tomorrow I have to prepare a new planting area. More gourd seeds are going to get planted. Also I'm only half way done cleaning out the barn. There are several cubic yards of "muck" to clean out. I rake out the stalls by hand into the center aisle. Then I'll pick it up with the tractor's loader and take it out to the compost area.

My final task (oh right!) this weekend is to set the "T" posts for the front fence that was destroyed in the March flood. I hope to get the posts set and then I can determine how much fence to buy. I'll use 6x6 square mesh. That's the same fencing we have everywhere else on the perimeter of the property. I'm looking SOOO forward to getting that work done.

Rain is expected again Sunday.

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