Our Farm is 15.3 acres near Bastrop TX, with goats, chickens, cats dogs and other assorted animals. We raise gourds, herbs,flowers and a kitchen garden. We will chronicle our adventures here warts and all. Mostly warts I think.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Format change

I don't know if that's the right term but here goes.
I'm not being very regular at updating this blog.
What a surprise.


I will be posting much more frequently but with even less substance. Even that may be considered substance abuse by some since the quality of the content is unlikely to improve - unless Kristi chooses to post more often.
Any how anything that happens around here of note will be passed on. Especially if something passes on.

Last night Barbecue was barking her ferocious bark in an unusual spot. The far southeast corner of the property. The neighbors back there have dogs and now a horse. We can tell the difference from the sound. Anyway the dog was barking long and loud in the middle of the night. This morning she was listless and didn't run barking out ahead of us as she usually does. Kristi thinks this is for our protection and I choose to believe that too as the alternative is to be annoyed with her. (Barbecue, not Kristi) When I got home this afternoon I checked her and she seems completely fine. So no problem. I warmed up some frozen corn to spoil the various fowl with and crumbled up some saltfree saltines (does that make ANY sense?) for a treat. As usual I called the birds and went to the barnyard tossing corn in every direction. Ever bird we had came squawking. I went into the barn to spoil the small chicks and what do I see? One of the five large chicks (5 weeks old) was in the medium (3 weeks) coop! How did it get in there? No matter. I got it out. Then it hopped up on the rim of the bowl of corn and crackers and greedily pecked away. I picked up the bowl and chick and put it where the other large chicks could get to it.
I commited to rent a forklift for Saturday the 12th at 8:00 am. It's time to move the machine tools that have sat on the trailer in the yard for nearly a year. Last weekend we got the garage cleaned out and we now have room. I have made a graphpaper model of the garage layout with scale sized pieces to represent all the various tools and tables. Now I can have endless fun rearranging the bits until Saturday when the actual moving must be done.

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