The greenhouse project, despite Mike's logical board placing (uh huh), IS going well. I planted chaste trees, transplanted more voluntary oregano cuttings to their own pots. I have about a hundred things planted in pots, now. Of course, there's no room to move. But since the sides are now filled in from Mike's work this weekend, it's a LOT warmer and I expect a lot of germination to happen this week. A short list of plantings and what's in the greenhouse:
tabasco peppers, bell peppers, dill, thyme, flowers (about eight different kinds, some that work well in shade), basil, artichokes, squash (two or three kinds), poblano peppers, oak trees (from the acorns we seem to have an abundance of), gourds (dipper and snake), oregano, echinacea (purple cone flower), peppermint, penny royal, french tarragon (trans-plants), bay trees (two), an almond tree, castor bean plant, meyers lemon tree, wormwood... lots more, but that's all I can think of right now...
Anyway, this weekend, I made jalapeno cheese bread, made some raisins (the juicier, better-tasting the grapes, the longer it takes) and pulled down the french tarragon that I had harvested to let dry and put that into a container. Mike roasted a chicken, but it wasn't as good as usual because he didn't brine it. Funny how we spoil ourselves by creating something delicious from a common item, but then when we don't prepare it the same way, it just isn't right.
Watched Rain Man and then several silly Pink Panther movies. It rained a lot this weekend, but there were some gorgeous moments.
We have a Mexican Eagle -- a Caracara that I think is nesting on the property. Mike swears he saw a painted bunting -- two or three times this weekend.
Our little barred rock chicks are getting bigger. Much bigger.
Signing off,